
Tall Oaks ( Penn) To Rustic Knolls (Ohio) Campsite 24th May 2021

By the time I woke up and tried to dry the tent, have breakfast, already it was 10 o’clock am in the morning. Thanks to weather, it was a wonderful day with full sunshine. I left the camp w/o seeing anyone. After passing through Appalachian Mountains, the great plains from East (I guess) started, one farmland after another connected with small towns. It was nice to ride through the farmlands and occasionally stop to have a coffee. Honda Africa Twin with Rally style stock cushion is real pain in the butt. Meanwhile I’ve lost the cushion I bought during my stand ups while I am riding for circulation. It just blew away and had to go back to find out with no luck.

I had a long drive ahead of me, 212 miles to be exact. I am always fascinated by Amish people defying technology and living a simple life. I saw a lot of them minding their own business and attending them with their carriages. I also noticed that people are mowing a lot, I mean a lot. Now I understand the sales of engined mowing machine sales in the USA.

I have also noticed people still hang presidential election posters etc. Trump seems to be winner out in the rural areas by far unless democrats were shy to keep the posters hanging.

Without any incident, I passed the imaginary state line to Ohio and clouds were gathering. Especially there was a big one and I was heading into it. ‘God please don’t let it rain until I pass this one’ was the thinking that crossed my mind. But hey! everybody has a different plan. Somewhere around Steubenville, it started rain so hard, I can’t see through the helmet. I didn’t have time to wear my rain gear and especially my pant was soaked already. Than came the hail, like bullets to my helmet, ta-ta-ta-ta…If this continues I will be miserable I thought to myself. I couldn’t gain speed due to potential water panning on the asphalt road so I had to hold on, keep riding and pass this big cloud and it did. The rest of the ride was under the sun and I dried quickly.

Rustic Knolls campsite near Mt. Vernon Ohio was a great treat with decent price. Showers, electricity, toilets, a small pond to swim in short everything that you can spend enjoyable time was available. It was a blessing.

From Tenere 700 to Honda Africa Twin Adventure Sports

While I was practicing riding with my Salem, BMW 310 gs, in the USA, I have noticed that especially when it is loaded with one person like me, 94 kg and 40-45 kg additional luggage does slow down the bike. At one time, we were going for a camp and caving single rope practice, Salem was fully loaded and couldn’t climb on asphalt road with 42 horsepower, I had to lower gear to gain speed. This gave me the impression that horsepower is not enough for a big guy like me.

So I start looking for a medium-sized adventure motorcycle. Yamaha was introducing Tenere 700 into the USA market. I kind of like the bike: Good horsepower, not too heavy, good looking, and simple, no electronics. I was especially skeptical about the last one, electronics. I was also against too much electronics because out in the Mongolian desert, if it breaks down due to electronics there is no way I can or the local mechanic can fix that problem. On the other hand, apart from ABS, no electronics are also seemed to be giving away from comfort, to be honest. Even for adventure (traveling the world) riding most of the roads we take are asphalt and very little gravel or dirt. But, before going to Turkey, I have made up my mind after my Salem, BMW 310 gs, I was going to buy Yamaha Tenere.

Honda Africa Twin 2019 Adventure Sports

Honda Africa Twin 2019 Adventure Sports

While I was on the expedition to Taseli Plateau, there was no telephone connection. We had to climb to the top of the mountain just to get a signal from one of the communication towers. One day, I climbed to talk with my family and organize the logistics for coming cavers. Canan, my wife, told me that our neighbor accidentally pushes on the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal and rammed into the garage and also to my Salem. Thank god nothing happened to my neighbor but my bike was totally scrapped. After deliberations with the insurance company, I have got paid back. In the end, I wasn’t worried too much and started to look for a new bike as soon as I returned to Boston.

Yamaha Tenere 700s price was 10 K USD and no discounts due to new introduction to US market. I noticed in one of the motorcycle shopping apps, 2019 brand new Honda Africa Twin Adventure Sports. They were trying to get rid of the old models and clear the stock. The price was 10.8 K USD. Granted it was a heavy bike but the same weight as Benelli so I have already got used to riding one. The gasoline tank was bigger, bigger pegs, more or less I was going to spend almost the same amount of money for crash bars and other accessories, 1000 cc vs 700 cc, 20-25 more horse-power and not too much electronics like BMW 1250 gs but enough for me to be more comfortable on the long rides. I switched to Honda also I believe Honda has more worldwide services.



Crash bars, and low gravity luggage system is a must..

Riding with Benelli TRK 502 in Turkey III

This photo was taken back in 1990’s when there was no DAM on Göksu river.

This photo was taken back in 1990’s when there was no DAM on Göksu river.

One of my favorite roads to take is the route from Anamur to Ermenek city and from there to Taşkent, to Konya. For motorcycle riding, it is a very scenic and winding route. And I entered this route from the middle of the Anamur-Ermenek route. I brushed the dust with my hand, drank water from the fountain. I was relaxed after almost 40 km of gravel road. I hit the road. As I passed between mountains, the scenery was breathtaking. In the old days, this road would go all the way down to the Göksu river. It used to derive its name from its turquoise color. Now, you descend to a man-made dam which also has very good scenery but I always prefer the natural one. I stopped at Zeyve a small town on the southern part of the dam for food and rest. Under the very old sycamore trees and the man-made flowing cascade, I treated myself with kebab and salad and rest in the shadow for an hour. I had to ride another hour to reach Ermenek where I was going to stay for the night. I hit the road again on a summer hot day and followed the contour of the dam and finally reached Ermenek. In Ermenek I stayed for one more day, I was tired and wanted to enjoy the day. Of course, I took care of the bike, washed and chain lubed, it was ready. Early in the second morning, I started to ride the winding road to Taşkent. Taşkent has its name suggests, Stonecity is situated between the mountains with high cliffs surrounding the city. A coffee break and hit the rid road again. I had no intention to stay a night in Konya city but instead, my intention is to overnight close to Ankara. After having dinner in Konya, the road from Konya to Ankara was flat and boring, I only enjoyed the sunset over the fields that was it. It was night and busy road mainly connecting traffic from Konya and Adana from south to Ankara and beyond. Finally, around 10 o’clock at night, I was able to throw myself into a very nice hotel near Gölbaşı, Ankara. I had no intention to enter the heart of the Capital due to the Covid pandemic. I was exhausted and decided to leave the hotel a bit late around 12:00 pm so that I can enjoy a long breakfast and some rest. I hit the road as I planned and start riding. Normally, with a car, you can reach Istanbul in 3,5 to 4 hours but it took me around 7 hours because of heavy traffic and a lot of concentration, I stopped almost every 1 or 1,5 hours for 15 to 20 minutes to rest and drink coffee.

I was at home around 7 o’clock and my longest and most experiences gained trip was over.

I thank my friend Alparslan Küçük, man with the sunglasses on the right, for lending me his motorcycle in Turkey.

I thank my friend Alparslan Küçük, man with the sunglasses on the right, for lending me his motorcycle in Turkey.

How Did I Choose My Bike?

As I had my driving license in November 2019, winter was ahead and I had a long time to discover what kind of motorcycle I would enjoy. To find out that the first question I asked myself was

  • What will I start riding? What will be my purpose?

The answer was clear for me: Long rides to see different places, countries for long durations, and willing to go off-road when I needed to. So I started to watch a lot of YouTubers and most of them inspired me to take likely motorcycle adventure of mine further. The answer to my first question became clear. Adventure bike that can go on and off-road. Then I had to answer the second question in my mind.

  • Should I begin with a small/medium or a bigger bike?

When I ask my friends who are riding a motorcycle for long years said to start with a big engine, a big bike like BMW 1200 GS. However, most of the YouTubers who crossed many countries and have done long mileage were emphasizing a small to medium size bike is all you need. During my training, I never fall from the bike (Suzuki, classic looking one) but the idea of a big bike with close to 600 pounds (with luggage, etc) kind of intimidated me. So I decided to go for a smaller bike.

  • Budget? Price?

The third question was the price of the bike. I was a Rookie Rider and anticipated that I will fall from the bike many times so I didn`t want to buy an expensive bike, heck! maybe a second-hand one until I became more comfortable with riding.

By 2019, the new BMW 310 GS was launched in the USA. It was manufactured in India so it was relatively cheap by BMW standards but with the high production quality of BMW so I found a BMW dealer in Boston and hopped on one of them. It was an adventure-type motorcycle, 400-425 pounds, lightweight with 46 horsepower, a brand new motorcycle a BMW, and relatively cheap compared to second-hand ones.

All criteria were fulfilled. I waited patiently thru the wintertime and watched more youtube videos on extra accessories, garments, helmets, etc. Those videos helped me a lot. I have installed the accessories (crash bars, skid plate, radiator protector, etc.) during February and march and finally, spring showed itself in Boston. So I have got the opportunity to practice my riding more and more. Until summertime when I had to fly back to Turkey for Caving Expedition that I was organizing, I have ridden close to 1200 miles. My ride was mainly in the vicinity of Boston and in the city which was great for muscle memory. You have to stop at the light, switch gears back and forth, use the clutch and throttle, brake, stall, start riding again at the green light. I have also carried luggage one time for camping and had to ride in a severe thunderstorm too. Overall it was good practice.

When I flew to Turkey for caving, I didn`t know that it was the LAST time I was going to see my BMW 310 GS, SALEM. My daughter had named it SALEM.