Boston To Baltimore / Around USA Project

I had a big plan for the summer of 2021: To go to Mongolia from Turkey. For almost a year I have prepared myself. Routes, what to take, documents needed, visas even the temperatures during the times I would be riding. I have convinced 4 people to follow me with a car all the way to Kyrgyzstan but Covid was also on the play. Although I am vaccinated and had the vaccine cart when I checked the countries regulations about the pandemic, they all required pcr negative test. In every border cross, I had to wait for the pcr test results let alone the cost and also bearing in the mind close proxy of India for possible variants, I painstakingly decided to cancel my trip.

So I have concentrated to do around trip in the USA. My son was about the graduate with Masters degree from MICA Baltimore. The graduation was online but we didn`t want to leave our son alone in his special day so I ve decided to ride to Baltimore, to celebrate his graduation and really start my journey from there.

I always avoided the major cities and took the small country roads. I have all the camping equipment with me so my ride was loaded. At this first ride destination did matter not the journey unfortunately because I had to be in Baltimore in 2 days. Anyway, first day riding was kind of ok and routine. When I tried to arrange for a campsite and stopped to check a hotel nearby, I was shocked to learned everything was fully booked even the campsite. For one night tent setup, campsite asked for 77 $. I was almost going to say to the lady at the end of the telephone line R U shitting me? which I refrain myself of course to be politically correct. Damn it! The front office woman of the hotel I have stopped by, came out and said I have last minute cancellation do you want it? At 79 $ I had to say yes! At least I had more comfortable bed and hot shower.

The next day, riding was ok and had to take some highways to be on time in Baltimore. The day was beautiful and full of sunshine. Between somewhere Pennsylvania and Delaware, I hit to country roads for about 30 miles long. On the road right and left there were 60-80 feet high trees literally attacked by WISTERIA. Green leaves and scattered purple color between them and the sweet smell was incredible. It was the most memorable riding I have done, just great! When I reached the outskirts of Baltimore rain started and I passed some miserable rundown streets with beautiful brick buildings. It is just shame that the facades were as if renovate me! use me! kind of looking at us. I was kind of intimated and nervous till I reached the apartment blocks that my son was living. In one day I had to riding of ups and downs just like LIFE itself. So I took it as it came.