Patagonia El Chantel Argentina

Patagonia El Chantel Argentina


It all started when…

I began my higher education at Bosphorus University Istanbul Turkey. During my university years, I have started caving and right after that, I began to take photos with a second-hand Russian camera Zenith. After 34 years, I am still caving and I am one of the founders of three caving associations: BUMAD, ASPEG Istanbul Turkey, and CES (Cave Exploration Society) of Boston USA. I generally like landscape and nature photography both over and underground. I had four personal photography exhibitions both in Turkey and the USA and won cave-related photography contests. Over the years, my interest to shoot videos grew, and managed to gather a group in ASPEG caving society and formed a team to visually document caves in Turkey. We shot and documented almost 9 series of caves and caving-related documentaries, they all broadcasted at cable documentary channel in Turkey, Iztv (Later called BeinIztv). The series was called Notes From Underground. You can check out the documentaries from Youtube Channel: Yeraltindan Notlar/ASPEG. These series are the most comprehensive caving-related documentaries ever done in Turkey.

MOTORCYCLE Interest and the name “The Dude”

About 10-15 years ago, I was into motorcycles when we were in Istanbul Turkey. I used to go to showrooms and hopped onto them and was kind of trying to get accustom myself but my wife convinced me not to OWN and/or RIDE one. I have listened to her up until we moved to Boston USA. One night, we were having dinner with our friends and the hosting friend said he had three motorcycles. Right there and then, I have decided to own and ride a motorcycle. It was October 2019, riding and the official training to get a license was almost over in Boston. I have managed to attend to last training session of 2019 in November and got my license. I had all winter ahead of me to choose my bike which I wrote her as a separate blog.

I would like to COMBINE my passions of documenting, riding, and caving so I decided to create a website and Youtube channel (I already had it but I am working on it to include my riding adventures). Among cavers, due to my many years of caving experience and age, people generally call me out of respect The Dude/Big Brother (Abi in Turkish) so I have chosen “The Dude” as a rider`s name.

I hope I can inspire you TO CAPTURE THE LIFE!

Ender Alparslan USULOGLU

Logo Design By Elif Usuloglu

Logo Design By Elif Usuloglu