Baltimore To First Campsite

I started to ride at 10 o`clock in the morning of 23rd of May 2021, after I said my goodbyes to my son and wife. It was a very nice beautiful day to ride a motorcycle. I deliberately was taking the country roads and avoiding major cities as noted earlier. I was going to pass the Appalachian Mountains that stretches from North East to South West like fingers. So that meant climbing and descending down the mountains. It was really nice as I start ascending forests starts and as I descend to valleys farmlands started. I saw a lot of Amish settlements. There were lot of motorcyclists out there enjoying themselves. What strike me the most is that almost close to 100 percent off all motorcycles were Harley Davidsons, generally cruisers. Some thing also strike me whenever I stop to fix gopro or looking at the gps or just to getting blood circulation going at my butt, somebody will slow down and give a signal if I was alright or not? This kind approach was interesting as most societies were polarized in these bad times.

As I rode almost more than 200 miles, the ride was uneventful. I`ve reached my destination at around 5 pm. It was a private campsite that wasnt operational yet. All campsite was mine. I quickly set up my tent, put my LeeLoo underneath the shed. I had electricity, water, what else I needed? Music? Yeap I got it too. I was at my tent trying to sleep at around 22:00 pm and finally fell asleep. I woke up at around 2 am with a big loud bang! sound. The garbage drum at the entrance was overturned. Shit! I thought. That drum was a big one and only a bear and/or deer can overturn that thing and it was a bear, they just woke up and all hungry. That idea rattle me because I wasnt carrying any weapon, just a swiss army knife. Yeah that would scare the bear I thought. I couldnt sleep and went out of my tent twice. The scenery was breath taking. A moonlight with scattered clouds. It rained all night so the moisture was rising as a fog like two feet from the ground and covered it with white cloudy mist. It was spooky but also breath taking. I finally slept at around 5 am in the morning. The next day was full sunshine and I was lucky to ride it. I had my breakfast, dried all my wet stuff and hit the road again.

Last observation of this piece of the journey, almost all people were mowing grass.