
How Did I Choose My Bike?

As I had my driving license in November 2019, winter was ahead and I had a long time to discover what kind of motorcycle I would enjoy. To find out that the first question I asked myself was

  • What will I start riding? What will be my purpose?

The answer was clear for me: Long rides to see different places, countries for long durations, and willing to go off-road when I needed to. So I started to watch a lot of YouTubers and most of them inspired me to take likely motorcycle adventure of mine further. The answer to my first question became clear. Adventure bike that can go on and off-road. Then I had to answer the second question in my mind.

  • Should I begin with a small/medium or a bigger bike?

When I ask my friends who are riding a motorcycle for long years said to start with a big engine, a big bike like BMW 1200 GS. However, most of the YouTubers who crossed many countries and have done long mileage were emphasizing a small to medium size bike is all you need. During my training, I never fall from the bike (Suzuki, classic looking one) but the idea of a big bike with close to 600 pounds (with luggage, etc) kind of intimidated me. So I decided to go for a smaller bike.

  • Budget? Price?

The third question was the price of the bike. I was a Rookie Rider and anticipated that I will fall from the bike many times so I didn`t want to buy an expensive bike, heck! maybe a second-hand one until I became more comfortable with riding.

By 2019, the new BMW 310 GS was launched in the USA. It was manufactured in India so it was relatively cheap by BMW standards but with the high production quality of BMW so I found a BMW dealer in Boston and hopped on one of them. It was an adventure-type motorcycle, 400-425 pounds, lightweight with 46 horsepower, a brand new motorcycle a BMW, and relatively cheap compared to second-hand ones.

All criteria were fulfilled. I waited patiently thru the wintertime and watched more youtube videos on extra accessories, garments, helmets, etc. Those videos helped me a lot. I have installed the accessories (crash bars, skid plate, radiator protector, etc.) during February and march and finally, spring showed itself in Boston. So I have got the opportunity to practice my riding more and more. Until summertime when I had to fly back to Turkey for Caving Expedition that I was organizing, I have ridden close to 1200 miles. My ride was mainly in the vicinity of Boston and in the city which was great for muscle memory. You have to stop at the light, switch gears back and forth, use the clutch and throttle, brake, stall, start riding again at the green light. I have also carried luggage one time for camping and had to ride in a severe thunderstorm too. Overall it was good practice.

When I flew to Turkey for caving, I didn`t know that it was the LAST time I was going to see my BMW 310 GS, SALEM. My daughter had named it SALEM.